CFP: ‘Biographies of Excess’

In recent years, scholars have increasingly turned their attention to the intersections of religion, materiality, and the environment. From lavish ceremonies to extravagant artefacts, religious practices often involve the use of abundant resources, raising important questions about sustainability and ecological impact. ‘Biographies of Excess’ explores the question of excess in religious practice and how such a culturally and socially malleable concept comes to be imparted onto objects at times and in particular geographies. Whether excess is taken as given, ethnographically or analytically, this workshop aims to attend to its material, discursive and embodied traces, and reverberations, considering how scales and temporalities of excess can inform our understandings of religious practice in the communities marred with environmental degradation. As such, we seek to understand what excess does, and how it is experienced, understood, made to matter, and ignored. In so doing, excess appears not so much as the opposite of scarcity, but rather as a plurality of manifestations, shaping and being shaped by what excess variously enables, constrains, disrupts, and renders invisible across multiple scales and temporalities. This workshop seeks to explore these issues through the lens of biographical approaches to religious ideas, objects, and people.

Biography, as a methodological and analytical tool, allows us to trace the life histories of religious practices, artefacts, and communities to map out the processes of value transformation. By adopting a biographical perspective that extends beyond mere description, we seek to uncover the stories behind material excess in religious contexts, examining how and why certain objects or practices come to be valued, used, and sometimes discarded. Moreover, biographical approaches enable us to situate these narratives within broader social, cultural, and environmental contexts, shedding light on the complex relationships between religion, materiality, and ecology. We, therefore, invite scholars who seek to explore the interplay between religious practices, societal norms, economic factors, and environmental conditions, illuminating the complex web of influences that contribute to the production, consumption, and disposal of material resources within religious frameworks.

Topics of interest for this workshop focus analytically on ‘excess,’ and include but are not limited to:

  • Ethnographies of religious practices characterized by material excess.
  • Lifecycles of religious artefacts or objects within their respective communities, exploring their significance and environmental implications.
  • Temporalities of excess in religious practice.
  • Excess as a relational process of transformation.
  • Methodological reflections and the use of biographical methods to investigate excess.
  • Environmental impacts of material excess in religious contexts.
  • Biographical approaches that illuminate the agency of human and non-human religious actors in shaping material practices and environmental impacts.

The paper may also want to include reflections on the ethical dimensions of conducting biographical research in sensitive religious and environmental contexts and methodological considerations in constructing biographies of religious artefacts, objects, or practices and their materiality.

We invite submissions from scholars working in fields such as religious studies, anthropology, environmental studies, history, and related disciplines. We particularly welcome contributions that work ethnographically and engage with interdisciplinary perspectives and innovative methodological approaches.

Guidelines for Submission and Participation

Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words, and a brief biography (150 words) to Paulina Kolata by 13 June 2024. Accepted participants will be notified by 21 June 2024.

Invited participants will be asked to submit full paper drafts (approximately 7,000-8,000 words) by 18 September 2024. The drafts will be pre-circulated among the participants before the workshop, allowing for in-depth discussion and constructive feedback during the event. The workshop will take place in person at the University of Copenhagen. A selection of workshopped papers will be invited for inclusion in a special issue following the workshop.


  • Paulina Kolata, University of Copenhagen
  • Trine Brox, University of Copenhagen